Cleaning protocol for Community owners

COVID-19 Recommendations to avoid contagion in the neighborhood community

Specific recommendations for communities and residential complexes

Although the state of alarm has been lifted, and hygiene control measures have been implemented in almost all areas of our lives, from Canary365 we are convinced that we must continue to use common protocols to avoid a second dissemination of what may be contagion diseases by touch, both in our private homes and in common homes. Personal and community hygiene is a sign of an awareness that we can do nothing to prevent collective contagion in the event that an outbreak explodes in our day to day.

Despite the outbreak has accelerated the development and improvement of cleaning protocols (those that were previously ordinary in hospitals, cleaning and maintenance companies for example), in Canary365 the protocols were already applied for a long time, being our main activity the exploitation of vacation rentals. Thousands of tourists passing through our properties need to stay in clean, sanitary spaces and without any prior sign of use by other tenants / guests. That is why - since the Covid-19 boom - we have wanted to go one step further and adopted preventive measures such as those of hospitals and health centers. For us, it is of primary importance and efficiency, that our workers feel safe developing their own work activities and that they make their own the protocols of action in case of handling cleaning products in homes used by more people during the same week.

It is for this reason that we want to share with you the cleaning protocols that together with other public entities we consider appropriate to adopt for any job consisting of shared homes and shared objects among users.

Before the enactment of Royal Decree 463/2020 of March 14, declaring the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, the Delegations of the City Councils of the different communities in Collaboration with the territorial colleges of Property Administrators, collect specific recommendations for the treatment of homes and common areas of buildings. Notwithstanding the alarm state, we promote a continuous adaptation of the protocols to the behaviors of users of common areas to avoid as far as possible the contagions derived from the sharing of common spaces

The characteristics of this virus make it survive on inert surfaces for a variable time ranging from hours to days depending on the environmental conditions (humidity, temperature, location ...). So, in order to   avoid infections   in the   communities, between neighbors and staff   that they attend the same maintenance or supply and for their self-containment and since it is remembered that the supply of essential products is guaranteed and there will be no shortage, we report:

  • That the Inter-territorial Council of the National Health System (SNS) recommends   permanent hand washing with soap and water   or by using hydro-alcoholic solutions.
  • That given the characteristics of the new coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease, we urge from Canary365 the following specific measures for the communities of owners:
    • That the appropriate instructions be given to the   cleaning companies or employees   of the Urban Farms or those responsible for cleaning, so that they proceed to clean more frequently and with disinfecting products in addition to the usual cleaning, especially knobs and doorknobs, electric switches, railings and handrails, exterior mailboxes, doorman keypads electronic and elevator, as well as counters. In this sense, and whenever the surface permits, the use of 0.1% sodium hypochlorite (active ingredient in the bleach) has been shown to be effective in disinfecting the new coronavirus.
    • Use the   lift   the essential, recommending the ladder. If the elevator is used no more than one user per proximity. And press the protected destination button.
    • Beacon or tape (indicating and pointing less) the   ban on   its use, gardens, playgrounds, benches and sports and recreational devices, solariums, as well as enclosed spaces or spaces for meetings in the Communities.
    • Avoid the   congregation of people in common areas   of the building, such as stairs, roofs, garages, any open surface, etc. As well as any other place or dependencies that may turn out, at this time, to be used as recreational and / or sports use by the owners and tenants of the Communities.
    • Do not use   swimming pool,   if it is available, and also mark or tape at least its premises, indicating and indicating the prohibition of its use.

      If you want to hire our community cleaning service, click here


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